Top 10k strings from Sinclair Classic - Issue 07 (1994)(Sinclair Classic)(128k)(Part 2 of 2).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   1 support scene
   1 publications
   1 m"'"Alchemist Research or Prism PD (see classifieds"'"for addresses) and bucketloads more of course."'"I don't know why I'm telling you this, you"'"probably obtained this fanzine from them!"
   1 jUjUjUjUjUjUjUjUjUjU
   1 Y`]`N`N`D`
   1 SC ISSUE 7.B
   1 ;"{L9885 Welcome to Utility Heaven";
   1 ;"{L9885 Publications"
   1 ;"{L9885 Demo Demons"
   1 ;"{L9885 Daleys Clinic"
   1 ;"{L9885 Classic Software Review";
   1 ;"{L9884 PICREMA"
   1 ;"{L9884 LOGOBENDER V1.1"
   1 ;"{L9884 F-FONTS VOL 1+2"
   1 ;"{L9884 Digital Integration Simulators":
   1 ;"{L9884 COPY 128 V2.3"
   1 ;"{L9883 Those useful";
   1 ;"{L9882 We use this copier all the time for transferring"'"our latest aquisitions from libraries onto seperate cassettes. That's PD stuff people, no pirates here.":
   1 ;"{L9882 Last Summer, we sat twiddling our thumbs as to"'"how we were going to incorporate graphics into"'"this fanzine. It needed to be dead simple - LOAD a screen in, grab certain bits of it, store it in a basic program (none of this sodding about with CODE"'"files) and calling it to screen with the greatest of ease. The very next day, Picrema landed on our"'"doormat from Garry Rowland that did everything we wanted! Spooky. It comes with a Read Me file and 2 demos. It's a genius at work."
   1 ;"{L9882 Just a quick plug for our very own PD free font packs. We love fonts - more than chocolate ice"'"cream or Routemaster buses. All sets are triple"'"checked for rouge letters. No ugly 'S's here!"
   1 ;"{L9882 Eh, like Mikropol with the most delicious screen"'"code scruncher I've ever used. Each screen is"'"squashed in 4 different ways and the most eco-"'"nomical is chosen. Save as a locatable CODE file,"'"RAND USR to call up and it's as simple as that!":
   1 ;"{L9882 Creating special text on most art programs is"'"fairly limited. This little gem, coded by Vision of"'"the Mad Guys, will turn your screen$ into anything from a gentle undulation to a mind blowing 60's"'"total freak-out! It makes good use of the RAMDISK to store screens before they get warped (as the process seems to be irreversible) but it does make it 128K only. If only more top demo coders would"'"turn their keys to writing utilities..."
   1 ;"{L9881 Why are ice rinks never awash with the blood from countless fractured skulls? Not even one lopped off finger after an"'"argument with a razor sharp blade... Winter sports all seem very dangerous to me. I can well remember John Noakes"'"displaying his bruised purple arse to the nations kids after"'"pretending to be a bobsleigh and not the rider."
   1 ;"{L9881 While most of us have sometimes seen the sunrise whilst"'"stuck into a game, spare a thought for the games authors who don't seem to need sleep at all! One such dedicated bod is Jonathan Cauldwell, a 23 year old analyst programmer"'"from Nottingham. Regular readers of all three late Speccy"'"mags will be very familiar with his work via the covertapes."
   1 ;"{L9881 The completists amoungst you can get ALL his work for"'"under `8 by writing to the modest man himself."
   1 ;"{L9881 Inspired by Amanda's rather"'"stinging attack on boy demo coders"'"comes our new section which hopes"'"to point you in the right direction"'"when choosing programs from library catalouges. There are hundreds to elect from with more coming along everyday"'"(hopefully this will always be the case!) I won't be slagging"'"demos off; don't criticize what you can't do yourself, that's my motto. But none of the demos here will let you down."
   1 ;"{L9880 Vigilante Patrol (89), Egghead (89), Egghead 2"'"(90), Shove Off (90), Pipework (91), Haunted"'"House (91), Super Fruit Machine (91), Megablast (92), Grand Prix (92), Squamble (93), Crazy Golf (93), Demolition (94)."
   1 ;"{L9880 Programs featured here are available fro
   1 ;"{L9880 Never write a book, especially a brainy one, when you are still a teenager. Members of the opposite sex won't believe you as you brag in clubs, most"'"other people will resent your talent/ability, and most importantly - no one likes a smart alec"'"before their time."''"There's the distinct possiblity that Paul Holmes, who wrote SPECTRUM M/C FOR BEGINNERS in"'"1983, looks back and shudders when he reads"'"what used to pass as his 'humour' and rapier like wit. I'm being unkind."
   1 ;"{L9880 I'm currently working on a follow up to Haunted House called GLOOP. It's a slightly different"'"style of platform game to its predecessor so I"'"wouldn't call it a sequel as such. Unfortunately, I have to organize my programming time around my job/my laziness/experiencing the nightlife of"'"Nottm and Derby so expect to see the finished"'"game sometime around May/June!"
   1 ;"{L9880 Brian couldn't make it for"'"this issue, so this is a quiet"'"yet valiant attempt to be"'"sued by Ocean software for"'"nicking my graphic from 128"'"Supertest. I understand I"'"have to give you some tips on"'"keeping your cassette based"'"software in good order. Well,"'"I've got about 2K left so don't expect a miracle."'"I'm only a token cheeky chirpy chappy from a"'"Question of Sport contract."
   1 ;"{L9880 Adverts are free in Sinclair Classic."'"Lineage ads are stored in the main program"'"(memory permitting.) Or send us a screen file"'"with your own artwork etc. We would be only too pleased to design it for you if you didn't have"'"the time/facilities (and it wasn't crap gear!)"
   1 ;"you really";
   1 ;"told you not to! They really were little bloody"'"kids at times. Listen, how would you like your"'"knackers scrubbed with sandpaper? Now you know how your tape heads feel (if you have any 'head'"'"left that is). A pure alcohol based liquid on a"'"cotton bud will GENTLY wipe away the oxcides."'"Any spillage will evaporate (some of Brians"'"cheap Vodka is ideal)."
   1 ;"to be without":
   1 ;"program but as per usual, one of them is a complete heavy metal fans wank, with integral big thighed/titted woman"'"astride a dragon thing (or something). Apart from that,"'"shouldn't this demo have won an award or something!"
   1 ;"dinky routines";
   1 ;"cannot afford";
   1 ;"beginning to just about get the merest of und-"'"erstanding together. Relatively simple BASIC"'"instructions like changing BORDER colour are"'"demonstrated in M/C to great depth. This"'"method of dropping you in at the shallow end is far more productive than similar books I've"'"attempted to consume... like R.A & J.W Penfolds INTRODUCTION TO Z80 M/C for instance."
   1 ;"and rebound off walls"'"and soar high up the banked curves of solid ice (like I do)."'"Braking isn't allowed until you cross the finish line.":
   1 ;"With the continued spread of right-wing extremism, espec-"'"ially in Germany, it's reassuring to see the NO NAZIS demo"'"from Talisman and Vision. A small routine is included with"'"the demo so you can add your own name in support of the Anti Nazi movement and then pass it on. Ok, so it's not"'"going to stop cowardly attacks on ethnic minorities but the mere fact it exsists is a very positive thing. And if you think politics doesn't belong in Speccy land - think again."
   1 ;"Those of you who have mastered SOUNDTRACKER will know how time consuming it is to create stunning music scores for the Speccy. Whenever I listen to FRANK FRAZETTA 3 with"'"aurals by John Dalthon, I'm still gob-smacked by the work"'"he has put into the sound. I don't think I've heard anything so beautiful coming out of the AY chip! especially the second song. Three exceptional fantasy style graphics support the":
   1 ;"This copier will LOAD all program, code and even headerless files and SAVE them out again in any"'"specified order. There is a baby 48K version that"'"also handles TURBO, enabling you to SAVE your"'"crappy efforts at lightning speed. I believe the"'"people behind this beauty are called Dynamic. And it certainly is."
   1 ;"There's a real feeling of"'"speed to this program"'"(in fact its quite similar"'"to Stunt Car Racer) and"'"a real sense of panic as"'"you hurtle down the"'"course at 110 mph on"'"four strips of metal!"'"The thrill and point of"'"the game is to go as"'"fast as possible so exp-"'"ect your heartbeat to"'"rise considerably!";
   1 ;"There are lots of different courses to"'"complete and seasons to work your"'"way through. You'll have to alter"'"your bobsleighs set-up according to"'"weather conditions using different"'"shaped runners. There is some stick"'"pounding involved as you push off or"'"improve your fitness but it doesn't"'"spoil the game like other waggling"'"nightmares I could mention. And that"'"really is the games only slight fault"'"unless you like spending a tenner"'"every other week."
   1 ;"The game is flavoured"'"with cripsy blue/white"'"graphics and sound fx"'"(128k) that add bags of"'"atmosphere as you hit"
   1 ;"Tapes are economical, reliable and plentiful - an excellent choice for a cheap home computer. But they are very bad for the enviroment when they"'"get buried in land fill sites. Try recycling the"'"streams of tape into stuffing for duvets or as"'"alternative modern hamster bedding. But your"'"tapes wouldn't get chewed up if you didn't let"'"ridges build up as you used them. Run your tapethrough to either end after each use. Keep them"'"in boxes and don't put 'em near TV's or speakers."
   1 ;"Right, I don't care what tape deck you've got but DON'T clean the heads with one of those Cassette based things. YS said you should because CRASH":
   1 ;"Press any key then play to LOAD in the next screen file.":
   1 ;"No.7  PART TWO";
   1 ;"Next issue, Brian Jacks will tell you how to"'"disturb your parents listening to Radio 4 with"'"your Spectrums aerial lead and a MagnaDoodle."
   1 ;"Most of us weep when machine code is mentioned,"'"I actually have several panic attacks when con-"'"fronted with a DIM statement. I've been working"'"my way through this book very slowly and am":
   1 ;"Mat & Ziutek must be known to most Spectrum fanatics as"'"two top programmers from the old Eastern blok. There is"'"delightful humour in TIM FOLLIN 2, consisting of cute chalk"'"drawings on a blackboard. The music on this demo is also"'"exceptional. ESI are much missed since the move to SAM, but what if enough of us wrote and begged? How does the Lyra 3 sound to you?"
   1 ;"I think I'd rather have red hot pokers up my ring than try to read that book again. I'll be honest"'"with you, I havn't got the patience or the math-"'"matical nous to ever conquer M/C, and books like the Penfolds one is hardly going to fill my mind with challenging new goals. Give me my BASIC"'"error messages and slow running programs any-"'"day of the week, cos' that's what half-wits like"'"me are stuck with."''"Have you read The Dice Man by Luke Rhinehart?"'"it's very good. It's got some dice in it."
   1 ;"I picked this game up from WH Smiths"'"not so long ago on the DI budget"'"label Byte Back, so maybe a few"'"brand new copies are still lurking out"'"there. I had no idea that such an ace"'"brilliant game was hiding behind the"'"rather stark cassette cover.";
   1 ;"His programs ooze charm, with delicious cartoon"'"graphics and delicate touches of humour. Simple"'"games that are devilishly addictive - a very hard"'"balance to achieve unless you're a natural. Using"'"a grey 128+2, Artist 2, LERM Z80 toolkit and a"'"couple of his own utilities, our Johno has written"'"over a dozen games, all for the Speccy, and with"'"more in the pipe(work). All games have been put"'"out under his own Grafix Wizards label.    >"
   1 ;"Digital Integration are one of my very favourite software"'"houses. Their sims always went one step further to giving"'"you more options and realism than was seemed possible on"'"the Spectrum. Bobsleigh was maybe their most simple game - just push the bob as fast as you can and then try not to have a major disaster ... but you do crash. In fact you"'"have an awful lot of unfinished runs to contemplate before you master"'"the art"'"of not"'"crashing"'"into walls."
   1 ;"Amys who's who of who is out there!"
   1 ;"5 Helmsley Drive"'"Eastwood"'"Nottingham"'"NG16 3RS"
   1 ;"(1)  Classic Software"'"(2)  Publications"'"(3)  Utility Heaven"'"(4)  Demo Demons"'"(5)  Support Scene"'"(6)  Cloughies Clinic"'"(7)  Classified Ads";
   1 8==)00))/=8
   1 23638-82":
   1 23637+256*
   1 (8()00))=98
   1  There are 2 screen files to LOAD,   "'" numbered A1 & A2. The next scr$ will"'"  LOAD everytime you choose option 7. "'"    Disk users should alter line 3550